Canbus Support


  1. Bus Speed
  2. Hardware Requirements
  3. Enabling canbus support with datamode=
    1. datamode=canbus
    2. datamode=serialcanbusauxin
    3. datamode=serialcanbusbridgeauxin
    4. datamode=playbackcanbusbridge
    5. datamode=tsusbserialcanbusauxin
    6. datamode=tsusbserialcanbusbridgeauxin
    7. datamode=haltechcanbus
    8. datamode=bmwcanbus
    9. datamode=vagcanbus
  4. Device IDs
  5. Canbus Inputs
    1. Limitations
  6. Canbus Rebroadcast Configuration
  7. SDC Canbus Message Definitions
    1. Attribute Offsets (SDC Version 1.30)

SDC supports canbus, but you must obviously have a canbus network and a Canbus I/O hat connected in order to be able to send and receive messages.

There are multiple uses for adding canbus support to your installation:

  • To supplement the existing engine data with data from other systems that you are building or have access to.
  • To make engine data available on more than one screen in your system (I do this with my own car)
  • To enable control functions from one device to be sent to another device, such as changing the displayed page on an embedded cluster from a separate control screen (I do this on my car too)

Bus Speed

The canbus system supports bus speeds of up to 1mbit. In other words it supports standard CAN, and does not support CAN-FD. I may bring that out in the future but right now it just isn’t needed.

You can configure the bus speed using the Canbus Settings

Hardware Requirements

SDC has support for the MCP2515 CAN controller and its SPI interface, running at 10Mhz. This chip is normally paired with an MCP2551 transceiver, although that is not visible to SDC. You must follow appropriate canbus design considerations such as ensuring the bus is properly terminated at both ends and making sure that you use suitable twisted pair cable. The SDC I/O Hat has a pair of canbus devices on it and also has an optional termination resistor which you can enable by placing a jumper over the two pins to connect them together.

Enabling canbus support with datamode=

As well as correctly configuring the ini file entries for canbus, you must also enable it by choosing the correct datamode. There are other datamodes than those listed here but these are the ones that involve canbus:


This is a raw canbus-only implementation. You will get no engine data in SDC at all unless you send canbus messages to it from another device. That other device can be another SDC installation with one of the ‘rebroadcast’ datamode settings, or it can be some other device which conforms to SDC’s canbus message format.


This is a receive-only mode, whereby ECU data comes from the Speeduino serial connection, but other data can be received from a canbus. This enables other devices to send control commands to this node such as changing the page, or populating GPS data. Engine data is not broadcast onto the canbus network.


This is a rebroadcast mode, whereby the SDC installation must have a serial connection to a Speeduino ECU, and will both store and display the serial data locally but in addition it will rebroadcast some or all of the data it receives onto the connected canbus network. Any other SDC device on the network configured as datamode=canbus will be able to receive the broadcast data and display it on its own screen. In addition, any other device can send data or control commands to this device (for example to change the displayed page, or update an internal data item).


This is a mode used mostly for demonstration purposes; it plays back a previously recorded file as per the first-boot demo, but in addition it will ‘bridge’ (rebroadcast) most of the data being played back onto the bus for other devices to see. I use this mostly for development testing and demonstrations. There is no other use for it really.


This is a receive-only mode, whereby ECU data comes from the Speeduino USB port (the one used for tuning the engine), but other data can be received from a canbus. This enables other devices to send control commands to this node such as changing the page, or populating GPS data. Engine data is not broadcast onto the canbus network.


This is a rebroadcast mode, whereby the SDC installation must have a USB Serial connection to a Speeduino ECU (the one used for tuning of the engine), and will both store and display the engine data locally but in addition it will rebroadcast some or all of the data it receives onto the connected canbus network. Any other SDC device on the network configured as datamode=canbus will be able to receive the broadcast data and display it on its own screen. In addition, any other device can send data or control commands to this device (for example to change the displayed page, or update an internal data item).


This is new for version 1.5. This datamode provides support for the Haltech dataset that is generated by Speeduino. At the time of SDC’s release this is in the master branch of speeduino only, but it will be released in due course. The Haltech mode requires the canbus speed to be set to 500 in the ini file (see the speed entry in the canbus section). Using the haltech mode means that a limited dataset can be broadcast directly from Speeduino without needing to use a serial connection to your device.

This datamode supports all auxiliary canbus inputs as well, and can therefore process page change requests, accessory updates (indicators, headlights etc), GPS, accelerometers, and other non-ECU related messages. So you can still integrate other modules from outside of SDC provided they support the SDC canbus protocol.

You should not mix SDC devices configured for this datamode with devices configured for any of other canbus datamodes as there is the potential for the same attribute to be overritten by competing canbus nodes (as well as the bus itself becoming too busy). If you want to run second and subsequent screens in a multi-screen installation, you should confgure them all as hatechcanbus.

For this mode to work, you obviously need a Speeduino ECU capable of sending canbus messages. At the time of writing this is certain ECU’s containing STM32 or Teensy devices, which have onboard CAN peripherals. You must still check that the ECU has CANH and CANL outputs and has an onboard transceiver. You must also ensure the bus is properly terminated at both ends. SDC I/O hats with CANBus support have an optional termination resistor installed but you may also need to add termination on your ECU or elsewhere.

Note that all devices on the bus must be set to the same speed i.e. 500 (because this is the speed selected by Speeduino firmware), when you are using the haltechcanbus datamode.


This is new for version 1.5. This mode is used to receive data from a Speeduino that is configured for BMW Canbus data. There isn’t much in the way of data available in this mode and it is only included as it is something supported by Speeduino. The comments above regarding haltech also apply to this datamode.


This is new for version 1.5. This mode is used to receive data from a Speeduino that is configured for BMW Canbus data. There isn’t much in the way of data available in this mode and it is only included as it is something supported by Speeduino. The comments above regarding haltech also apply to this datamode.

The Haltech mode has a limited dataset which is smaller than the dataset available if you connect via Serial. The BMW and VAG datasets are even smaller. These are Speeduino restrictions (i.e. it doesn’t broadcast much data), not SDC restrictions.

Device IDs

Every SDC device on the canbus network must have a unique Device ID. This is specified in the ini file in the General Section. The device id is used in certain scenarios to direct a canbus message at a particular device. For example, if you send a “change page” command then you’re likely to want to change the page on just one device, since multiple screens might have different sets of pages.

Canbus Inputs

Canbus inputs are a means to define the format of third party messages that may be received. They are defined in the Canbus Inputs ini file section. When an input is defined, the name you give it becomes an attribute which you can use on gauges and add to datalogging.


There are some limitations with canbus inputs at the moment which I will improve upon as time goes by, when I have had more experience of the sort of things people require. Systems define their canbus IDs and messages in many different ways so providing something totally generic is not a simple or obvious task.

For the time being, canbus inputs enable you to create an attribute, specify a canbus id of a message that will be received, and then which byte(s) within the 8 byte canbus message represent the data you want to store. There are 1, 2, and 4 byte quantities available, and it is possible to declare two or more attributes that are available from the same canbus id message.

The limitation presently is that if there is more than one message sent with the same canbus id, and you need to use a byte within the message to decide which attribute should be populated, then this is not currently possible. Any more complex schemes are similarly not possible at this time.

Canbus Rebroadcast Configuration

The serialcanbusbridgeauxin, and playbackcanbusbridge datasources both have a bridging element to them in that they take whatever their primary data source is (serial or datalog), and broadcast that data onto the canbus. Thus the device acts as a ‘bridge’ between the datasource and the canbus.

These datamodes will broadcast a default set of the available data (those most commonly required) but if you want to minimise the amount of traffic on the canbus then you can configure a subset of attributes to be sent. This is done via the rebroadcastattributes setting in the datasource settings, which replaces the default set entirely. If you want to add an attribute that is not already in the default set, then use the ‘extrarebroadcastattributes’ setting instead. If both are defined, their content is added together and the result replaces the default set entirely.

To configure a subset (or even a superset) of attributes for broadcast, you must enter a comma separated list of attributes viz;


Do not add any spaces between the columns. If this list is not present, then the default rebroadcast list will be used, which contains most of the standard speeduino data items available on the serial connection.

SDC Canbus Message Definitions

This section provides the format of all canbus messages that can be used to send data into SDC. Data may be in the form of actual data items, or control messages to make the cluster do certain things such as change the page. The canbus ids can be changed via configuration if you run into conflicts with other systems but you’re better off with an independent canbus anyway due to traffic volume.

  • Canbus Id 1998 is the default accessory status id
  • Canbus Id 2000 is the default ECU data id. SDC’s rebroadcast mode sends some critical ECU items on canbus id 1999 (ECUid-1 in fact). This is utilising the CANBus message priority system, but any ECU data can be sent on either of the two values.
  • Canbus Id 2001 is the default GPS id
  • Canbus Id 2001 is the default ‘Controller’ id. This and the GPS id are separate configurations but both have the same default value.

Multi-byte values are all little endian.

Canbus Id Format (Byte n=value) Description
2001 Byte 0=12, Bytes 1-4 Latitude*10000, Byte 5-6 Current GPS heading GPS Latitude and heading Update
2001 Byte 0=13, Bytes 1-4 Longitude*10000 GPS Longitude Update
2001 Byte 0=22 Request clean shutdown
2001 Byte 0=20, 1-2=16 bit Warning id Show cluster warning
2001 Byte 0=21, 1-2=16 bit Warning id Cancel cluster warning
2001 Byte 0=1, 1=Target Device Id, 2=Page number Change Page
2001 Byte 0=2, 1=Trip Id Choose active trip (0 or 1)
2001 Byte 0=3, 1=Speed limit in mph Set current speed limit
2001 Byte 0=5 Un-select composite group (removes the red dot from the composite)
2001 Byte 0=7 Select next composite group
2001 Byte 0=8 Cycle currently selected composite group
2001 Byte 0=10 Toggle debug mode (debug gauges will show and hide)
2001 Byte 0=11 Request log file marker
2001 Byte 0=14, 1=Device Id Toggle datalogging on the selected device
2001 Byte 0=15, 1=Setting Id, 2-3=16 bit signed setting value.  
1999 Byte 0=17, 1-2=MAP, 3-4=RPM, 5=VE, 6=AFR*10 ECU Data Update, stuffed data block 1.
2000 Byte 0=16, 1=Offset into structure (see offsets below), 2-end=Data (length depends on offset) ECU Data update
2000 Byte 0=19, 1-2=Extended Offset, 3-end=Data (length depends on offset) Extended ECU Data update, where offset is > 255 requiring 2 bytes
1998 Byte 0=24, 1=Canbus index, 2=Value (0 or 1) Accessory Status Update

Attribute Offsets (SDC Version 1.30)

The offset based messages in the list above are how most of the engine data is sent across the bus. You can use these messages to send data into a raw canbus SDC configuration, or use the formats described to read engine data that has been rebroadcast from a serial connection to a speeduino. The table below gives the offset of all relevant attributes. If an offset is greater than 255 then it must be sent using the Extended Offset message (19) otherwise it can be sent using the standard offset message (16).

Note: If you are on an earlier version of SDC, these offsets may be different. We try to keep them constant but sometimes this is not possible. If you want to see the offsets for your specific version, connect your device to WIFI and access the onboard help on http:///help

Attribute Data Type Datalog Title Units Offset Length
secl 1 byte unsigned integer Run Secs s 1 1
status1 1 byte unsigned integer status1 bits 2 1
engine 1 byte unsigned integer Engine bits 3 1
dwell 1 byte unsigned integer Dwell ms 4 1
map 2 byte unsigned integer MAP kPa 5 2
iat 1 byte unsigned integer IAT deg 7 1
clt 1 byte unsigned integer CLT deg 8 1
gammabat 1 byte unsigned integer GammaBat % 9 1
batteryv 1 byte unsigned integer Batteryv v 10 1
o2 1 byte unsigned integer AFR AFR 11 1
gammaego 1 byte unsigned integer GammaEGO % 12 1
gammaiat 1 byte unsigned integer GammaAir % 13 1
gammawarm 1 byte unsigned integer GammaWarm % 14 1
rpm 2 byte unsigned integer RPM RPM 15 2
accelenrich 1 byte unsigned integer Accel Enrich % 17 1
gammae 1 byte unsigned integer GammaE % 18 1
ve 1 byte unsigned integer VE % 19 1
afrtarget 1 byte unsigned integer AFR Target AFR 20 1
pw1 2 byte unsigned integer PW1 ms 21 2
tpsdot 1 byte unsigned integer TPSDot %/s 23 1
advance 1 byte unsigned integer Advance deg 24 1
tps 1 byte unsigned integer TPS % 25 1
loops 2 byte unsigned integer Loops Loops 26 2
freeram 2 byte unsigned integer Free RAM bytes 28 2
boosttarget 1 byte unsigned integer Boost Target kPA 30 1
boostduty 1 byte unsigned integer Boost Duty % 31 1
spark 1 byte unsigned integer Spark bits 32 1
rpmdot 2 byte signed integer RPMdot %/s 33 2
ethanolpct 1 byte unsigned integer Ethanol % 35 1
flexcorrection 1 byte unsigned integer Flex Corr % 36 1
flexigncorrection 1 byte unsigned integer Flex Ign Corr % 37 1
idleload 1 byte unsigned integer Idle Load load 38 1
o2_2 1 byte unsigned integer O2_2 AFR 40 1
baro 1 byte unsigned integer Baro kPA 41 1
launchcorrection 1 byte unsigned integer Launch Correction % 76 1
pw2 2 byte unsigned integer PW2 ms 77 2
pw3 2 byte unsigned integer PW3 ms 79 2
pw4 2 byte unsigned integer PW4 ms 81 2
ecustatus3 1 byte unsigned integer ECU Status 3 bits 83 1
engineprotectstatus 1 byte unsigned integer Engine Prot Status bits 84 1
fuelload 2 byte unsigned integer Fuel Load   85 2
ignload 2 byte unsigned integer Ign Load   87 2
injangle 2 byte unsigned integer Inj Close Angle deg 89 2
clidletarget 1 byte unsigned integer Closed Loop Idle Target   92 1
mapdot 1 byte unsigned integer MAPdot %/s 93 1
vvt1angle 1 byte unsigned integer VVT1 Angle deg 94 1
vvt1targetangle 1 byte unsigned integer VVT1 Target Angle deg 95 1
vvt1duty 1 byte unsigned integer VVT1 Duty % 96 1
flexboostcorrection 2 byte unsigned integer Flex Boost Corr % 97 2
barocorrection 1 byte unsigned integer Baro Correction % 99 1
asevalue 1 byte unsigned integer Afterstart Enrichment % 100 1
vss 2 byte unsigned integer ECU VSS mph? 101 2
ecugear 1 byte unsigned integer ECU Gear   103 1
ecufuelpressure 1 byte unsigned integer ECU Fuel Pressure   104 1
ecuoilpressure 1 byte unsigned integer ECU Oil Pressure   105 1
wmipw 1 byte unsigned integer WMI Pulsewidth ms 106 1
ecustatus4 1 byte unsigned integer ECU Status 4 bits 107 1
vvt2angle 1 byte unsigned integer VVT2 Angle deg 108 1
vvt2targetangle 1 byte unsigned integer VVT2 Target Angle deg 109 1
vvt2duty 1 byte unsigned integer VVT2 Duty % 110 1
outputsstatus 1 byte unsigned integer Outpu Status   111 1
fueltemp 1 byte unsigned integer Fuel Temp deg 112 1
fueltempcorrection 1 byte unsigned integer Fuel Temp Correction % 113 1
ve1 1 byte unsigned integer VE1 % 114 1
ve2 1 byte unsigned integer VE2 % 115 1
advance1 1 byte unsigned integer Advance 1 deg 116 1
advance2 1 byte unsigned integer Advance 2 deg 117 1
nitrous_status 1 byte unsigned integer Nitrous Status   118 1
ts_sd_status 1 byte unsigned integer SD Log Status   119 1
emap 2 byte unsigned integer EMAP kPa 120 2
fanduty 1 byte unsigned integer Fan Duty % 122 1
status2 1 byte unsigned integer status2 bits 181 1
speedmph 2 byte unsigned integer Speed mph 1202 2
gpsspeedmph 2 byte unsigned integer Speed mph 1254 2
gear 1 byte unsigned integer Gear   1262 1
odometer 4 byte unsigned integer Odometer miles 1519 4
tripa 4 byte unsigned integer TRIP A miles 1523 4
tripb 4 byte unsigned integer TRIP B miles 1527 4
currenttripcounter 4 byte unsigned integer Current Trip distance miles 1531 4
accessorystatus1 1 byte unsigned integer Accessory Status 1 bits 1535 1
accessorystatus2 1 byte unsigned integer Accessory Status 2 bits 1536 1
fuellevel 2 byte unsigned integer Fuel Lvl litres 1537 2
oilpressure 1 byte unsigned integer Oil Press PSI 1539 1
flpressure 2 byte unsigned integer Tyre Pressure FL PSI 1867 2
fltemp 2 byte unsigned integer Tyre Temp FL deg 1869 2
flalarm 1 byte unsigned integer Front Left Tyre Alarm   1871 1
flbattery 1 byte unsigned integer FL TPMS Bat % 1872 1
frpressure 2 byte unsigned integer Tyre Pressure FR PSI 1874 2
frtemp 2 byte unsigned integer Tyre Temp FR deg 1876 2
fralarm 1 byte unsigned integer Front Right Tyre Alarm   1878 1
frbattery 1 byte unsigned integer FR TPMS Bat % 1879 1
rlpressure 2 byte unsigned integer Tyre Pressure RL PSI 1881 2
rltemp 2 byte unsigned integer Tyre Temp RL deg 1883 2
rlalarm 1 byte unsigned integer Rear Left Tyre Alarm   1885 1
rlbattery 1 byte unsigned integer RL TPMS Bat % 1886 1
rrpressure 2 byte unsigned integer Tyre Pressure RR PSI 1888 2
rrtemp 2 byte unsigned integer Tyre Temp RR deg 1890 2
rralarm 1 byte unsigned integer Rear Right Tyre Alarm   1892 1
rrbattery 1 byte unsigned integer RL TPMS Bat % 1893 1
accelx 2 byte signed integer Accel X g 1894 2
accely 2 byte signed integer Accel Y g 1896 2
accelz 2 byte signed integer Accel Z g 1898 2
wheelshorsepower 2 byte unsigned integer Horsepower at the wheels bhp 1939 2
crankhorsepower 2 byte unsigned integer Horsepower at the crank hp 1941 2
wheelstorque 2 byte unsigned integer Torque at the wheels lbft 1943 2
cranktorque 2 byte unsigned integer Torque at the crank lbft 1945 2
speedkph 2 bytes unsigned integer Speed in kph kph 1947 2
gpsspeedkph 2 bytes unsigned integer GPS Speed in kph kph 1949 2